Coldfusion 10 CFGIRD not showing data when form type is flash

Posted by Dark Training on September 27, 2012 tags: | coldfusion

An issue that was present in Coldfusion 9 is back for Coldfusion 10. You can find my previous write up here.

n short what happens is that when you set the CFGRID type to flash in coldfusion, it will not display any output and you just get a clock spinning. If you change the data type to html it normally works.

The solution in this case was that we had removed sites from being able to access /CFIDE as a path.

Going into the Apache site settings I added the following line to the site in question:

Alias /CFIDE/  /opt/coldfusion9/wwwroot/CFIDE/
        <Directory "/opt/coldfusion10/wwwroot/CFIDE/">
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

Then I reloaded apahce2:

# /etc/init.d/httpd reload

Voila! Now the grid was not only rendering but rendering WITH data.

Now another issue I saw in 10 was that on Linux based systems, it still would not render after that above change. If you look at the system logs, you will see that the page will generate a 404 309 error.

In our case Coldfusion was complaining about not seeing the folder called "CFFormGateway".

The fix is pretty easy, in your root web folder (assuming linux) run:

mkdir /var/www/CFFormGateway
touch /var/www/CFFormGateway/index.cfm

That should remove the error in your logs and you should be able to see the data in the CFGrid now.

If this helped you, please let others know below.